Stock Information

Current Stock Price Unit : KRW

▼ 2,420 Change ▼ 5
Change(%) 0.21%
Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume
2,410 2,450 2,390 98,013
Price compared to the previous day 2,425 52 weeks highest 3
No. of listed Shares 31,257,770 52 weeks lowest 2
Upper limit 3 Market price 2,410
Lower limit 1 High price 2,450
Trading value 236,265,890 Low price 2,390
Par value 500 Trading Volume 98,013

Daily Stock Price Unit : KRW

Date Closing price(KRW) Price compared to the previous day Change(%) Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume
24/07/26 2,420 ▼ 5 0.21% 2,410 2,450 2,390 97,963
24/07/25 2,425 ▲ 15 +0.62% 2,395 2,440 2,360 107,992
24/07/24 2,410 ▲ 5 +0.21% 2,385 2,455 2,370 76,788
24/07/23 2,405 ▲ 10 +0.42% 2,415 2,430 2,375 88,432
24/07/22 2,395 ▼ 80 3.23% 2,465 2,485 2,350 181,219
24/07/19 2,475 ▲ 65 +2.7% 2,415 2,475 2,410 228,682
24/07/18 2,410 ▲ 30 +1.26% 2,385 2,435 2,370 254,997
24/07/17 2,380 ▲ 75 +3.25% 2,305 2,530 2,285 699,115
24/07/16 2,305 ▼ 30 1.28% 2,315 2,335 2,280 48,068
24/07/15 2,335 ▲ 10 +0.43% 2,330 2,345 2,315 48,640